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Top 8 most asked questions in an Interview. Must Read Before your next interview.

We have done lot of research and found these 8 questions that are most frequently asked questions in interviews. We have also given the answers for these questions which you can use by changing or adding some points to it.

1) Tell me about yourself?

(Do not talk about your personal life and irrelevant information)

Ans: - Talk about your Education background.
         - Where do you live.
         - Your Past job experience
         - Your Skills or Extra courses you have done.

2) Why do you want to join us? / why this company?

(Use all there reasons in you interview)

Ans: A) You are one of the best and very well reputed in the industry.

         B) My skills, experience and knowledge would be a great fit for your organisation.

         C) You have some exciting future plans which I read in your company's website/blog.

3) What do you know about this company?

(Please do lot of research about the company to answer this question properly)

Ans: This company is the one of the best company in the industry and it is very well know for the customer service, you also have won many international awards.

(Also talk about the process of the company).

4) Why are you interested in this job or role?

(Change the underlined part according to the company)

Ans: Your company is a leading company in the area of Customer Service. This is the area where i am passionate about and i also have good knowledge in this area.

(For fresher person: I have worked in a similar role in _____ college for a project.)

(For experienced person: I have worked in a similar role in _____ company.)

I am looking forward to an opportunity to utilise my knowledge and gain experience while contributing to the company's goals.

5) Why are you leaving you current job? / why you left the current job?

(Be very careful and do not say anything negative about past job or colleague)

Ans: I love my current job and i have worked with my current company for 1 year and now i feel like i am ready for more challenging work environment and better position, this job can help me to utilise my experience and expand my knowledge.

6) What are your strength or USP (Unique Selling Proposition)?

(always give an example where you used your strength in past job or college, look for qualities which company is looking for and frame the answer around that quality.) Use any one or two options.

Ans: A) My biggest strength is i can stay can and work efficiently under pressure (Give an example where you used your strength in past job or college)

        B) I am a leader and i can manage multiple tasks at the some time without getting stressed (Give an example where you used your strength in past job or college)

        C) My biggest strength is attention to detail and doing thorough planning (Give an example where you used your strength in past job or college)


7) What are your weaknesses? 

(Never say i have no weaknesses it show lack of self awareness, tell one or two weaknesses with an example of how you overcome these weaknesses in past)

Go through the job description and check what qualities the are looking for and never mention those areas as your weakness.

Ans: A) My weakness is not being able to say no to people which puts me in difficult situations sometimes.

         B) Giving attention to details which make me take more time to complete the tasks

8) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? / What are you future career goals?

Ans: I would like to gain specialized experience and knowledge in the area of customer relation and team work and to be in a position where i can put positive impact on the company.

Comment below any other questions and we will try to add in next post. 

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